Happy 12/13/14
The date today is too good to waste. This will be the last date like this in my lifetime (next is in 2103 when we start over with 01/02/03), and while 11/11/11 will be unbeatable, this is the last of these for me.
There are others to look forward to up until summer, here is the list:
- 1/4/15 - 14 15 pretty close
- 1/5/15 - 15 15 neat
- 1/6/15 - 16 15 the countdown begins
- 3/14/15 - Pi Day to 4 decimals
- 5/1/15 - 5115 same backwards and forwards
- 5/10/2015 - full date is same backwards and forwards
Just like all numbers, dates are fun. While I will always long for the binary dates of 00 and 01, here's to 4/3/21, the next extremely worthy date.